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Matt Kelly
Position: Staff reporter

Final destination financial security: Where are you on your journey?

Do you have $500 to handle a minor emergency? Most people don’t. A Money Pulse survey found 62 percent of Americans cannot cover a $500 unexpected expense. This level of financial...

Put profits first, then watch business grow

How healthy is your business? I’m not asking how big your business is or how much revenue it’s generating or how many employees you have. You know, those typical measures of succe...

Sharing can make money, build bonds

The sharing economy can transform the way you run your business and your life. Would you like to make a little extra money each month or avoid buying more stuff that ends up as an...

Money issues? Play Financial Jeopardy

I think about money all the time. Whether I’m observing other people’s financial behavior or looking for column ideas, it’s on my mind. I even worry about my own finances now and ...

Don’t let your car become an emergency

I have to confess: I hate cars, and not just cars – SUVs, vans and trucks, too. When it’s raining or cold, I do appreciate driving, but I hate how cars can incite feelings of drea...

Curb excess, reduce clutter, find peace

What would it be like if there were no economic barriers to consuming as much as we wanted? Well, many of us are essentially living like that already. Consider this: If...

What’s the real cost of your debt?

A few days ago, I was discussing debt with a new client. The interest payments were killing him. He said repeatedly that they were his primary motivation for getting out of debt. ...

Say ‘I do’ to talking about money

Arguments about money are the top predictor of divorce. Fights about kids, sex, in-laws or anything else for that matter take a back seat to money, says Sonya Britt, a researcher ...

Step by step, you can master your money

When I picked up the 656-page tome, I was curious. During the bustle of Noel Night at Maria’s Bookshop, Tony Robbins’ new book grabbed my attention. I was familiar with Robbins fr...

The holidays don’t have to be stressful

Just when you thought life was stressful enough – working, parenting, overbooking your schedule – the holidays arrive. Parties, gift-buying and family gatherings can add additiona...

Housing alliance offers path to your first home

Buying a home in La Plata County is a hardship for many working people. So far in 2014, the median price of a home in the county is $336,200, and, in Durango, it’s even higher at $390,000. ...

How well do you know your dough?

If Durango High School students come home next week asking how well their parents know their dough, they won’t be asking about bread. The program Know Your Dough will be collabora...